Ishida mulithead weighing equipment has been praised by potato processor Aviko, which uses the equipment to help meet its production targets.
The high speeds, increased throughput, low giveaway and gentle product handling are among the reasons why the potato processor has chosen the Ishida system.
Aviko supplies potato products many of the largest retailers and foodservice companies in Europe. Its factory at Rain am Lech, in Bavaria, is dedicated to the production of frozen chips.
Aviko has acquired eight Ishida multihead weighers in the last six years and, since the first Ishida installation, production has risen by 56 per cent, without additional operators.
The Ishida machines at Rain am Lech are weighing 300 different products, with variations in weight, thickness and cutting patterns.
Production manager Hans Pohl and his colleagues first predicted the accuracy they would get from a multihead weighing system, as an average weight variation of “somewhere around one per cent” - but the annual average with the Ishida weighers at Rain am Lech has turned out to be 0.34 per cent.
He said: “We were very pleased indeed with the even better actual figure.
“Our Ishida weighers have already more than paid for themselves.”