Plimsoll Publishing has revealed that now is an ideal time for cash rich companies to acquire businesses, which may be experiencing difficulties.

Plimsoll's latest acquisition pack has a list of 139 companies that would benefit from a boost in capital.

David Pattison, senior analyst at Plimsoll said: "There are companies with a great deal of potential that would benefit greatly from a cash injection. When looking to make an acquisition businesses should be looking to build on skills while eliminating debt concerns. Any one of these companies can be turned around and could have a great future ahead of them." Owners at these companies will be encouraged to sell at least a part of their business.

The study also reveals 201 fresh produce companies have a cash pile beyond their business needs and Pattison believes that over the last eighteen months the industry has been very quiet. He said: "The successful companies are getting fatter (financially) and they should be looking at ways of re-investing the money.

"Acquisitions tend to go in waves and once a few companies start investing, then other business will act in fear of not being invited to the party."

Further information is available, including a sample analysis, from