A one-stop shop in the form of the new look AUSTRALIAfresh website, www.australiafresh.com.au, has been created for buyers of Australian fresh produce.
The revamped site makes it easier for importers, retailers and wholesalers of Australian fresh produce, dried fruits and tree nuts to source suppliers, product information, point-of-sale material and to access relevant news.
AUSTRALIAfresh is an umbrella-marketing program, which was developed by Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL) to promote Australian fresh produce under one banner.
This means that users of the website will have access to a range of trade, retail and consumer promotions HAL conducts for its member industries in major markets, such as trade exhibitions, trade advertising and in store point-of-sale. AUSTRALIAfresh supplier members also are all certificated by an internationally recognised quality management scheme.
AUSTRALIAfresh marketing manager, Elisa Tseng, said: “The new site has a depth to the navigation and greater user functionality which creates a better service for all users.”
The new website includes many new features, including seasonal availability, product range, export statistics, contact information for AUSTRALIAfresh member quality suppliers and international tradeshows.
While visiting the website, buyers can apply for AUSTRALIAfresh point-of-sale material which may be used in-store to promote Australian product sourced from AUSTRALIAfresh suppliers.