Australian Horticultural Exporters Association (AHEA) has released a strategy document regarding the proposed marketing strategy for Australian citrus to China.

The alternative strategy focuses on offering an alternative to utilising the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s (DAFF) Export Efficiency Powers as the regulatory framework.

AHEA Chairperson, Heather Churchill, said: “Australian horticultural exporters and growers are continuing to struggle through difficult seasons and with increasingly difficult international market conditions, the AHEA is pleased after much consideration to now formalise its approach to its open market policy with a strategic initiative of a cooperative approach to marketing of citrus to mainland China in order to make exporters more globally competitive to gain market shares and greater export returns.”

The AHEA has considered the views of its exporter members, of citrus growers and the ACG view of market regulation. It has subsequently developed an eight- point strategy supported by a comprehensive marketing plan.

Operational arrangements based on a phytosanitary protocol signed between Australia and China in October 2005 are being finalized and recently Chinese quarantine officials were in Australia inspecting those orchards, packhouses and cold treatment facilities interested to start a program to China during the coming season.

The AHEA strategic document is available on its website -