Australia’s apple and pear growers took to the streets of all state capitals recently in a nationwide protest against Biosecurity Australia’s plans to allow “potentially Fire Blight carrying apples” to be imported from New Zealand.
“As part of National Apple and Pear Day - No Fire Blight rallies, apples and pears were given away to demonstrate the quality of fruit produced in Australian orchards - and how much is at stake if Fire Blight arrives on New Zealand apples and becomes established,” a statement said.
The growers believe Biosecurity Australia’s flawed Import Risk Analysis, which they say proposes some of the world’s weakest protection against Fire Blight, will inevitably lead to the introduction of the devastating disease.
Leading scientists have shown support for growers, who believe much tougher measures are needed to provide adequate protection against Fire Blight.
Fire Blight is not present in Australia. Australia’s apple and pear orchards would be devastated by a Fire Blight breakout. It’s estimated that over a five year period, Fire Blight would cost Australia’s apple and pear industry nearly $830 million - wiping out our pear industry, severely damaging the apple crop and undermining the social and economic foundations of entire rural communities.