Rick Bourne

Rick Bourne

Asda’s category director Rick Bourne singled out prepared fresh produce formats - and prepared potatoes in particular - for an upsurge in demand at the East Midlands Potato Day on Tuesday.

Bourne told delegates at the event held at QV Foods’ Manor Farm that although Asda’s customers were having to make a choice between certain products, mixing their purchases across premium to budget tiers and prioritising what they buy, prepared fresh produce was coming out on top.

“Consumers are prepared to pay for someone else to prepare their vegetables,” he said at the QV Foods and McCain sponsored Potato Council event. “I tried to sell dirty carrots and I couldn’t understand why people weren’t buying them. I was told that people don’t have the time to wash them at the sink.

“I tried to sell naked cucumbers for a while but customers didn’t like it. Loose product has the perception that lots of people have touched it.”

Bourne also revealed that food waste had a huge bearing on what Asda customers buy, with prepared portions offering a feel good factor for the end consumer.

“The £1 price point is important to our customer and is a motivator,” he continued. “It helps people budget but it’s also the right portion, meaning less waste of food in the home.”

Asda sales account for 20 per cent of the prepared potato market, according to Bourne, and he is keen to grow the category.

“Together we can inspire growth for prepared potatoes,” he said. “You have to understand the market.”
