Andy Clarke

Andy Clarke

Asda has released its second quarter results, from the period of 1 April to 30 June, with a like-for-like sales increase of 0.7 per cent.

In the same period, net sales and comparable sales, both excluding fuel, increased by 3.2 and 0.7 per cent respectively. The supermarket giant also claimed that its online business grew by 22.1 per cent in Q2.

“We have continued to improve our sales and grow ahead of the market through a combination of lowering more prices and driving even harder on product quality,” said CEO and president Andy Clarke.

Asda has invested over £100 million in developing its food ranges over the last two years and Clarke is full of praise for the results.

He concluded: “Our ‘real value’ strategy is paying dividends, and enabling us to grow the business in a sustainable way.”