Asda is claiming victory in the race to get Pembrokshire new potatoes into Welsh stores this week.

The retailer said the first sacks of the potatoes arrived in its new Pembroke Dock store yesterday (May 4), with other stores in Wales due to receive deliveries before the weekend.

Last year Asda launched a promotional campaign celebrating home-grown local produce. All locally grown produce is now clearly labelled and actively promoted in store.

Karen Todd, local sourcing manager, said: "Our dedicated suppliers, Puffin, have done an excellent job in getting the crop ready and into store ahead of time.

“Local sourcing makes good business sense. Not only does it mean we can reduce the number of miles food has to travel before it reaches our stores, but it also enables customers to support produce from their local community.

“We have seen dramatic uplifts in sales as more and more customers buy into local produce, which is also great news for farmers.”