Arrow Organic Vegetables has won Sainsbury’s Organic Producer of the Year 2004, following a nationwide quest to find Sainsbury’s top organic farmers and suppliers.
An expert panel of judges, which included soil association marketing director Martin Cottingham, Sainsbury’s magazine food editor David Herbert and Sainsbury’s head of fresh produce and organics Tony Sullivan looked for evidence of excellence across a range of areas.
Arrow Organic Vegetables based in the Leen Valley in Leominster is supplier to Organic Farm Foods and grows a wide range of produce -- including; carrots, leeks, broccoli, sweetcorn, sprouts and cauliflowers. The fields have wide margins and 12 different types of hedgerow to promote biodiversity. As a result the farm boast an abundance of wild flowers and grasses, and approximately 15 different types of species of wildlife.
Sullivan said that it was time to reward the efforts of its suppliers and producers. “As twice winner of Organic Supermarket of the Year we thought it was to time to recognise the achievements of our suppliers and their producers, and the hard work that is continually going into producing high quality organic foods and innovative choices for Sainsbury’s customers.”