According to reports in Tucumán regional daily La Gaceta, citrus growers in the area are going through one of their toughest seasons ever as the dollar price of imported inputs increases. This situation is all the harder given that market prices paid in pesos for their fruit are lower than averages for recent years.
Enrique Prado, president of ACT, the Tucuman citrus association, warned in the press that the situation will threaten the future of citrus activity in the region if growers are unable to carry out the necessary fertilisation and plant health controls.
Producers are also complaining that the processing industry is offering prices so low for their fruit that they do not even cover costs.
The ACT is calling on the whole supply chain to work together to overcome the difficulties facing the sector. 'Citrus activity is being seriously compromised,' Prado was reported in La Gaceta. 'Now it is time to work together to reverse the situation.'