New company Mill Associates has taken over the marketing activities of Arava UK.

David Crossland, formerly UK general manager for Arava Export Growers of Israel, established Mill Associates with the specific aims of continuing Arava’s marketing activities in the UK and attracting other fresh produce companies seeking UK representation.

Crossland said: “All of the present activities of Arava UK will transfer seamlessly to Mill Associates and clients should not experience any change in the service they would normally expect to receive.”

Crossland established the Arava UK office in 2001. Since then, sales of Arava’s herb, fruit and vegetable products to retailers, packers and wholesale clients have rapidly developed within the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Arava recently diversified into strawberries, tomatoes, radishes, potatoes and celery. The firm is cautiously optimistic about the upcoming Israeli winter line season and hopes to increase exports to the UK substantially in 2008-09.

However, Crossland acknowledges that growers face challenging times. “Growers are having to contend with higher transport, fuel and packaging costs and that is going to have an impact this season,” he told FPJ. “I predict that some smaller companies with small financial reserves will amalgamate or go out of business.”