Applications urged for EU promotion fund

UK trade organisations are being urged to apply for EU funding for the marketing and promotion of agricultural products, including fresh fruit and vegetables.

The marketing activities should be designed to increase levels of information and sales of products of EU origin within EU countries, under the ruling.

The European Commission has indicated a preference for programmes involving more than one member state or providing for measures in several member states.

PR work and advertising drawing attention to food quality and safety as well as health benefits will prove the focus while information campaigns around issues such as labelling, organics and geography will also be encouraged.

Funding will also be made available for participation in events, fairs and exhibitions of national and European importance through stands aimed at enhancing the image of community products.

Funds will be made available from the commission for scheme from August 2011 onwards with programmes set to last between one and three years.

Under the guidelines, applicants must appoint a separate organisation, selected by competitive tender, which should implement at least 50 per cent of the programme. Eligible applicants must be able to fund 30 per cent of the contribution themselves and a further 20 per cent using quasi-tax revenue.

In a notice to its members, the Fresh Produce Consortium said: “The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) has stated that due to the very tight financial constraints imposed on the Common Agricultural Policy, the UK has no funds available to finance the required member state contribution of any promotional measures agreed.

“However, there is provision in article 13 (3) of regulation (EC) 3/2008 for the proposing organisation and/or member state contributions to be met by para-fiscal charges or compulsory contributions.”

The RPA is co-ordinating applications in the UK and has produced a guidance document available online.
