The first ever container of Snow Apples from Brazil arrived in the Port of Sheerness at the start of this week.
Working with Brazilian supply partner Agricola Fraiburgo, Capespan is marketing the variety exclusively for the first time this year. “This is a programme that we are looking to develop in future years, starting with one container this year,” said John Hopkins, Capespan procurement manager for pome and stonefruit. “This first container is looking good, and fruit will be sent to processors and cut up into fresh fruit salads.”
The apples represent the first commercial production from a project that kicked off in 2002. Agricola Fraiburgo combined the best strains of Fuji and Royal Gala apples and planted them in the high-altitude Brazilian region of Urepema, also known as the highlands.
Grown at an altitude of 1,450 metres, hence the Snow Apples name, the fruit is of much higher coloration, according to Capespan, and is well suited to the top end of the export market. “We are assessing the specific UK retail and fresh-cut processing customers who prefer later season, high-coloured, sweet-tasting clones,” said Hopkins. “Taking production to the Brazilian highlands greatly reduces the risk of hail damage, which is becoming more common in traditional growing areas.”
The project also has a social impact, with Agricola Fraiburgo taking land considered agriculturally unsuitable until 2002 into production and creating the most important job scheme in the area. Known locally as the CEDRO project, over 100 permanent and seasonal jobs have been generated in the region, which has traditionally suffered high levels of unemployment. The orchards are surrounded by land set aside as a nature reserve.
CEDRO will produce 1,400 tonnes of Royal Gala in 2007 and 600 tonnes of Fuji, a figure set to rise to 5,000 tonnes by 2010 - 70 per cent Royal Gala and 30 per cent Fuji.
“Partly good business sense and partly ethically sound business practice, Agricola Fraiburgo’s investment is expected to deliver a more export-driven range of products, and Capespan is proud to be part of this exciting new offer,” added Hopkins.