Scientists at the state university of Rio de Janeiro found that overweight women who ate three small apples or pears a day lost more weight while on a low-calorie diet than those who did not add the fruit to their diet. Those who ate the 300g of top-fruit each day also ate fewer calories overall.
Research leader Maria Conceiçao de Oliveira was reported in the journal Nutrition saying: 'Results indicated that overweight [high cholesterol] women have important changes in their body weights and metabolic profiles by adding fruits to their diet.' The reasons for the results are thought to be that as low energy-density foods, apples and pears have a low calorie count compared to other non-fruit foods. Also eating a high-fibre diet means we feel fuller for longer after a meal and apples and pears are both important sources of fibre. And by eating a high-fibre diet total calorie increase is reduced.
'While several recent studies have suggested apples may provide a whole-body range of health benefits, this is the first published study to demonstrate that eating an apple before every meal can help increase weight loss,' said Julia Daly of the US Apple Association.
The US trade association is working with its pear counterpart Pear Bureau Northwest to promote the findings of the Brazilian study.