Apple standards to remain

EU apple growers have rejected proposals to lower EU minimum apple standards to bring them in line with those of the UN ECE.

At a meeting this week of the EU-wide producers’ associations and co-operative representation body Copa-Cogeca, producers unanimously that EU standards should be maintained at current levels.

Adrian Barlow, chief executive of English Apples and Pears, said the group did concede that there could be a reduction to 60 mil for class I and II Gala and Braeburn due to problems on shape for some southern hemisphere fruit.

“Otherwise, we were unanimously agreed that the standards should be maintained exactly as they are.”

Copa-Cogeca would now be writing to the EU Commission to confirm the situation and explain the strength of feeling on the issue.

Barlow added: “The last thing we need is for the market to be upset by changes in marketing standards.

“The English industry has been very much to the fore on this issue. We shall be communicating our views to the UK government and believe its very important they support us.”