World apple production growth is slowing, but only just. This is according to the latest issue of the World Apple Report published by Belrose Inc in the US.
The report forecasts that volumes in 2015 will be some 16 per cent above rates for 2006-07 at 71 million tonnes. This is about 2.5 per cent less than forecast by the report’s authors last year. Growth rates in China and in other major producing countries are broadly similar and a lot of the increase is down to intensification of production and modernisation. Growth rates in western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. But the report forecasts potential for surges in production in Poland, Chile, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil and the Russian Federation.
Overall, though the variety picture is not likely to change much over the coming decade with only Cameo and Sundowner of the clutch of newcomers expected to gain market share with Pink Cripps/Pink Lady forecast to creep into the top 10.
The rate of new plantings of Gala, Fuji and Braeburn has slowed and most future growth will be from existing orchards reaching maturity. And while the decline in share of Red Delicious and Golden Delicious is set to persist, Granny Smith is forecast to hold onto its niche.
The monthly report is available to purchase from Belrose Inc.