Apple Day set for October

The annual Apple Day will be held on October 21, held by national charity Common Ground.

There will be over 200 Apple Day events in community orchards and fruit farms, allotments and nurseries, museums, schools, National Trust and RHS properties, village and town halls.

The first Apple Day was held in 1990 in Covent Garden, and the event has grown into a national celebration of apples and the orchards that they come from.

The events will offer consumers the chance to try local varieties, buy apple trees and get advice on planting and care, and get their garden apple tree identified by taking the fruit along to one of the experts on hand.

Products made from apples, including single variety juices, cider, vinegar, chutney, ice cream and jellies, will also be available to try and buy.

A continually updated Apple Day events list is at

Common Ground plays a unique role in linking nature and culture, working to inspire, inform and involve people in learning about, enjoying and taking responsibility for their own locality.
