This is the last time this year we will have an opportunity to communicate with you through the pages of the FPJ.
We would like to thank Tommy and all the staff at the FPJ for giving us this opportunity to reach out to a much wider audience in the industry.
Communication has never been our strongest point. We have remained very focused on the work in hand ensuring that we deliver some tangible benefits to our members and the industry. This column has been very helpful in addressing that weakness.
Our last report this year has some features about it that are becoming characteristic of the FPC.
The work we do is dependent on collaboration and we are now working with a very wide range of stakeholders. They range from government departments to the T&GWU and they all believe that co-operative efforts can bring about beneficial change for the industry and those that work in it.
We deliver results. The FPC will, if it does nothing else, always deliver results. We are not a talking shop (more like a sweat shop!).
We would like to thank all those individuals and organisations that have sweated away with us.
Merry Christmas and we look forward to continuing to work with you next year.