Another week, another gong for Stubbins

For the second week in a row, salads specialist Stubbins Marketing Ltd has been parading a trophy round its Waltham Cross head office - this time having picked up one of the “Oscars” of the Welsh food industry.

The company won the 2007 True Taste of Wales awards Speciality Product category, on November 15, for Piccolo baby cherry tomatoes grown in its Rhymney Valley nursery, in South Wales.

Richard Lewis of Stubbins said: “The Piccolo tomatoes grown at our St Mellons nursery get all the special care and attention they need to ensure they meet their sugar and flavour potential. Being recognised by True Taste really does motivate and reward our nursery team for all their hard work and commitment when caring for these precious crops.”

Stubbins runs regular educational school visits to its nurseries to help teach youngsters the importance of fresh, locally-grown produce and the key benefits of healthy eating. With the backing of True Taste, it now plans to increase consumer awareness of Welsh horticultural expertise.

Pictured, left to right: Richard Lewis, Stubbins nursery manager, and Mario Difrancesco, managing director of Stubbins Marketing, receive the award from Alan Tillotson the Envirowise "Ambassador for Wales".