At a time when food security is racing to the top of every European government’s agenda and the obesity crisis is reaching epidemic proportions across the continent, it beggars belief that MEPs, in all their glorious wisdom, have actually decided to further restrict the crop protection products available to fruit and vegetable growers in Europe.
What seems especially unbelievable to me is the fact that only a handful, if that, of other countries in the EU have been as vocal as the UK in lobbying against the proposals, which were first tabled all the way back in 2006. I am not sure why so few MEPs have failed to grasp the implications of the new legislation, and we can only hope that now the implementation of the proposals is a tangible fact, a few more people across the continent will get on their soapbox, with the full support of the fresh produce and cereal industries.
However, for the moment, the directive remains a reality, due to make it into the law books next year. Ironically, while the EU claims the revision aims to protect human health and preserve water quality, among other things, consumers will ultimately suffer heavily at the hands of the new legislation. Forced to pay more for fruit and veg that can no longer be grown in their own country and has been shipped in from another continent, where is their incentive to get their 5 A DAY? Left behind on a table in Strasbourg, no doubt.