Potato crop in Andalusia is set to recover to 2009 levels

Potato crop in Andalusia is set to recover to 2009 levels

Early potato production in Andalusia is forecast to recover to 2009 levels. According to producer-exporters’ association Asociafruit, output is expected to reach 270,000 tonnes from a planted area of 9,000 hectares.

“Despite heavy rainfall in the winter, producers have been able to get a good rhythm to their plantings so that the slight delay we foresaw at the beginning of January has not materialised,” said a spokeswoman for the association.

“In addition, the good spring conditions mean that the product is developing well in terms of harvesting dates, volume and quality.”

Volumes are forecast to rise 55 per cent on last season, which in turn was only 50 per cent of 2009 levels.
