Andalusian melons hit shelves

Melons and watermelons from the Spanish region of Andalusia will be the first European crops to arrive on the market this week.

According to Hortyfruta, although this season is late, quality is good and the southern Spanish region is expected to account for 60 per cent of national melon output and 67 per cent of watermelon.

Some 60 per cent of the crops are now grown using biological control and integrated crop management techniques.

Meanwhile, further east in Valencia, growers’ association Ava-Asaja has warned that peach, nectarine, apricot and plum production in the area is likely to be 30 per cent down on the five-year average due to winter frosts damaging extra-early varieties.

“Marketing desks and producers both need to bear this decrease in the offer in mind when it comes to negotiating on price,” warned association president Cristóbal Aguado.