Octubrina clementines supplied by AMT Fruit are back on the shelves at Tesco.
Octubrina has been developed in conjunction with leading varietal specialist company, Citrus Genesis, and there is a belief that it could replace current early season varieties such as Marisol and Arrufarina.
Volume of the product this year will increase by over 50 per cent, with up to 50 tonnes expected.
The fruit has a deep orange colour, is easy to peel and seedless when produced in isolation.
Emma Martin, Tesco citrus buyer, said: 'Octubrina is a great example of Tesco’s commitment to constantly improving our quality for customers. Working in partnership with AMT Fruit, we are excited about the potential of this variety, and others we have in the pipeline for the future.”
Octubrina citrus is available late October and early November. AMT Fruit is part of the Muñoz group.