Sustainable supply chains are to be the focus of the second edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit, taking place on 10-11 June in Amsterdam.
Key topics on the summit agenda include sustainability initiatives, Fairtrade, ethical marketing best practices and sustainable sourcing and packaging.
Ian Bretman, vice-chair of the Fairtrade Labelling Organisation, will give an update on the international Fairtrade certification system. Details will also be given of other fair trade labelling schemes, such as Ecocert Fairtrade and Fair for Life by Institute of Marketecology.
Alter Eco will state how it has developed an international presence by developing strong networks.
Altramercato, the largest chain of fair trade shops in Europe, will share its experiences on developing and managing a chain of ethical retailers.
The summit also looks at how organic food pioneers are adapting to changing market conditions. With the global organic food industry affected by the economic slowdown, market leaders are adopting ‘Organic Plus Strategies’ whereby they go beyond organic and undertake sustainability initiatives.
Speakers in the Ethical Marketing Best Practices session will cover marketing communications for sustainable products and the potential of social media.
The final session of the summit is titled Sustainable Sourcing and Packaging. The German retailer Tchibo will state how it implements sourcing projects for commodities in developing countries.