Simplified procedures for importing fresh produce and cut flowers are proving an immediate winner for importers and agents with the introduction of the Automatic Licence Verification (ALV) system.
The system came into force on Tuesday and replaces the old customs clearance process.
ALV provides an electronic link between the Fera/Rural Payment Agency PEACH system and the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) CHIEF system. Consignment release decisions from the Horticultural Marketing Inspectorate (HMI) and Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate (PHSI) Inspectors are transmitted electronically and in real time, directly into CHIEF, removing the need for agents or importers to send Quarantine Release Certificates or Conformity Certificates to the HMRC National Clearance Hub at Salford.
This real-time update directly into CHIEF results in the customs clearance times of containers which are subject to HMI or PHSI control being reduced from two hours to 10-15 minutes, once the HMI or PHSI inspection decision has been made.
Mike Parr of Perishable Movements Ltd said: “Thanks to the Fresh Produce Consortium’s (FPC) instigation we took part in the pilot and we have already seen the benefits of faster clearance times. It’s great to have a trade association which works hard to secure efficiencies and savings such as these on behalf of its members.”
Nigel Jenney, chief executive of the FPC, said: “The FPC has worked for a long time to have a streamlined process which is estimated to save the industry around £1 million each year. We are delighted that all importers and agents can enjoy now the benefits of significant reductions in time taken to clear containers, subject to HMI or PHSI control.
“The FPC will continue to challenge the UK government to remove any unnecessary burdens from companies importing fresh produce to the UK, and to ensure that the UK is a destination of choice, with fast and effective importation controls to allow highly perishable fresh produce and cut flowers to be enjoyed by the nation.”