Systemic fungicide Aliette 80 WG, comprised of fosetyl alumininium, can be used in spring and summer as a root dip on strawberries plants prior to planting.

Following enquires from an independent consultant, the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) have confirmed that since there are no specific concerns and no phrases on the product label prohibiting this use, there is an opportunity to use Aliette in spring or summer.

Aliette provides control of crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum) and red core (Phytophthora fragariae) in both outdoor and protected strawberry crops, and with the majority of strawberries now planted in the spring or early summer as 60-day plants and crown rot has increased Aliette has become widely used.

The fungicide controls the disease and stimulates the plants’s own natural defence mechanism with no known resistance. Applications should be made immediately prior to planting, using 75g in 20 litres of water and then dip all the runner roots for 15 minutes. This usage is off label so growers use it at their own risk.

Other methods of application for Aliette on strawberries are still applicable such as spray treatments on growing crops either as a SOLA in spring or on label in autumn.
