The commission previously decided to remove aldicarb from Annex I of the EU agrochemical registration directive, while maintaining certain uses in some member states for a limited period.
Bayer will no longer sell Temik for use on potatoes, carrots and parsnips in the UK, nor for use on potatoes in Greece. “The use of Temik on onions is unaffected by this decision,” Dr Julian Little, spokesman for Bayer, told freshinfo. He said Bayer is disappointed by the commission’s decision, maintaining that “extensive risk assessment” confirms that aldicarb is safe to use when label instructions are followed. Bayer had previously cited the EU Agriculture Council’s continued approval of the active ingredient for minor-crop uses in some member states as proof that it has essential uses.
The EU commission has published amended MRLs for aldicarb. The MRL for onions remains at 0.05 mg/kg but those for potatoes, parsnips and carrots will default to the LOD of 0.02 mg/kg.