Ministers have approved the levy rate for the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) to charge growers and farmers. The rates apply for 12 months from April 2009-March 2010. Rates for horticulture and potatoes remain unchanged. In horticulture, growers are still required to pay 0.5 per cent of their sales turnover, rising to 0.55 per cent for late payment. And potato growers are required to pay £39 a hectare (£44 for late payers), while merchants are charged 17p a tonne or 19p for late payment.

The AHDB Order 2008 requires AHDB to raise levies relating to each sector and for DEFRA and devolved administration ministers to approve all proposed levy rates annually, including higher rates for late payment of levy - the late payment rate is set at 10 per cent above standard rate.