“The UK is an important market for us,” says Rob Cullum, Agrexco’s newly appointed product manager for citrus. “We have worked hard with our growers and customers to establish exactly what is wanted as can be seen with the success of our white grapefruit. Last season we trialed leaving the fruit on the trees later, in order to supply fresh quality grapefruit right through March to May. It was so successful that we have repeated it this season so consumers can be confident that the white grapefruit purchased has been freshly picked.”
Agrexco’s strong identity in supermarket programmes is a direct result of the commitment in working to improve technical standards to meet with EurepGAP, Nature’s Choice and BRC protocols. Success with the consumer has been achieved by developing citrus with the taste and quality demanded in the UK, in particular grapefruit and easy peelers.
“On the easy peeler front we have introduced Suntina into the major multiples,” says Cullum. “The eating quality is good; sweet and juicy and supplies will be available until the end of February. We had a great response to Or, and despite the nature of the tree, which alternatively gives a large yield one year and a lesser one the following, we hope to be able to fulfill programmes.”
Other citrus lines for Agrexco include the Shamouti, which has good programmes with all the multiples. “Israeli limes had a great one month season in August and Agrexco is hoping to increase both the quantity and the length of the season. Agrexco is still bringing in 12 months of the year from an international supply,” says Cullum.
Kumquats enjoyed a successful season last year and due to new groves being planted in different areas, the season has been extended, starting in November and continuing through to April, whereas it used to end in March.
Agrexco supplies citrus to the UK during the summer months by outsourcing product when supplies from Israel have come to an end. August of 2003 saw imports of Minneola and satsumas from Peru coming mainly into Ireland, with repeat orders for this season. “The climate in Peru, with its high humidity levels is perfect for growing citrus,” says Cullum. “It is grown in the Peruvian desert with the ocean on one side and the Andes mountain range on the other. Hot days, cold nights, high light levels, and a fresh water supply coming from the jungle through the mountains and then on to the desert have resulted in fruit with a dark orange skin and an exceptionally sweet taste - high in natural sugar and oozing with juice. The Peruvians themselves juice the fruit and regard them as the perfect liquid refreshment.”
“Last season for satsumas was very successful,” Cullum continues. “Demand was extremely high and we are hoping to increase volumes this year in order to satisfy our customers. Our packhouse there has been approved by all of the multiples and we are hoping to put more into the stores as we believe that it is the best citrus available during the months of August and September.
“We are encouraged to see the increasing popularity of Peruvian Minneola - consumers are now understanding the unique quality of the fruit. We have taken some of the citrus players to see the groves as we believe that Peru will become a major participant in the citrus market, and we understand the importance of bringing customers out to see first hand how developments are taking place.”