The Gold Cup at this year’s International Flower Competition in Aalsmeer, Holland was awarded to Benzy Gil and Israeli exporter Agrexco - the first time ever that a non-Dutch flower designer has picked up the prize.

The Agrexco pavilion at the exhibition, which Gil designed, also picked up three gold medals.

Gil won the first prize for innovation in his design of the pavilion, which looked like a red and black gourmet restaurant furnished with a table and plates. But instead of food, Gil arranged a different flower design on each plate, aiming to incorporate Agrexco’s main export products of flowers, fruit and vegetables.

Haim Hadad, secretary general of the Israel Flower Growers Association, said that the unusual honour of winning the Aalsmeer Gold Cup is testimony to the achievements of the flower sector in Israel, “regarding the development of new varieties, supplying to customers worldwide and in modern design”.