Look out for the 25 per cent extra free bright yellow sticker on the 1kg boxes of fresh basil, coriander, tarragon and chives from Carmel Agrexco. The offer runs from now until mid December and is open to all trade customers purchasing the standard 1kg packs.
'Consumers are still not adventurous enough in their use of fresh herbs. They need to be used more generously to fully appreciate how each herb enhances various dishes – they can see how the TV chefs throw in large bunches of herbs into recipes, but are far less extravagant in their own homes,' said Mike Caddy, product manager for Agrexco.
'Getting 25 per cent extra, it should encourage them to be more liberal and adventurous in their food preparation, and reduce the need to rely on salt for flavouring, which as we all know is the healthier way forward.' This promotion demonstrates Agrexco's determination and commitment to further develop this important market, he added.