The globalisation of the fresh produce world is well underway, as any professional in the industry can tell you - they benefit from it, and sometimes suffer at its hands.
And as consumers, we can see the tangible proof of it every day, both on supermarket shelves and more besides. By this, I mean all varieties of fruit being available all year round, carbon footprinting, and the global discussions surrounding these topics.
That said, globalisation may appear as quite another topic when it comes closer to home. Let me explain. Recently, wholesale network Creno announced a strategic partnership with the massive Belgian operator Univeg. The latter firm hit the news recently with its acquisitions, and remains an interesting operator in the processed fruit and veg sector. The former has strong purchasing power, and is well implanted in French production areas with a tight and reliable logistics web.
It is therefore no surprise that these two would reach an agreement some day. Their product portfolios are quite complementary, and may help one another to develop. This came while at the same time one of the principal members of the network, AFL, was taken over by another big player called TransGourmet, a company operated by two retail giants, Rewe and Coop.
I have the feeling we now deal with bigger and bigger units, and even the once so - almost too - quiet French wholesale industry is facing the tectonic movements of the globalisation of economy. Let’s be honest - the Creno-Univeg partnership is welcome. It shows that wholesale in France interests companies that are usually only seen in the high skies of capitalism. The move will be good for cross supplies - fresh produce on one side, pre-packed and processed products on the other.
The agreement throws up another interesting point as well. Creno and Univeg have created a common company, the role of which is to buy company members of the network when its management decides to quit the field. It is mostly important for Creno to secure the patrimony of the network, and manage the passing of the baton. Of course, such a structure already existed, but more financial leverage was necessary.
Should I be labelled a cynic, on the other hand, this may also offer Univeg the front seat when an opportunity pops up. And there are some gems in the network the Belgian giant may well be interested in...