A Netherlands Government economic development agency will present 20 promising African and Middle Eastern producers at Fruit Logistica this February in the hope of helping them secure European markets.

The Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) has selected top producers from Egypt, Jordan, Kenya, Senegal, Mali and Uganda to introduce at the Berlin trade fair.

Part of an agency project, the producers were given guidance on meeting Eurepgap standards, marketing and logistics.

All 20 are now either EurepGAP certified or are awaiting certification, and CBI says there is no doubt the growers will be able to compete in European markets.

“When we started the project one year ago, we looked at growth potential in this area,” said CBI consultant, Jos Leeters. “ The companies we are bringing to the fair proved our confidence was justified.”

Lucy Wambui, director of Kenyan Kandia Fresh Produce Suppliers Ltd, on of the attending producers, said: “ Our presence at a large fair like Fruit Logistica will ensure that we will meet customers from European countries. We definitely think we have a chance, not only because of the quality of our products, but also because we now use the EurepGAP standards as a guideline for the production and treatment of our produce.”