Major moves to bolster food security in the UK and Africa are speeding up, following an initiative from the Warwickshire-based International Agri-Technology Centre (IATC).

It will open up opportunities for UK companies to get involved in major agri-science training and development projects, as well as new research schemes in Africa over the next five years.

It will also help build sustainable international food supply chains for the future and make a positive contribution to the global food security agenda.

IATC director Philippa David said: "We are working with some of the first-tier suppliers in African markets, such as Flamingo and Blue Skies, to deliver the necessary training and technology for both large and small suppliers and producers in sub-Saharan Africa.

"We will then approach the government, the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) in Vienna and other UN partners to secure support for this important venture.

"Africa is a vital source of food for the UK, but producers and suppliers there need help to upgrade their skills and establish sustainable production centres, not just for the export market but, probably more crucially, to safeguard their future domestic food security.

"The UK has all the expertise and skills needed to help producers and suppliers in Africa improve their resource management techniques, reduce waste, achieve consistency and add value. This will also secure food supplies and jobs here and inject vital funding into our agri-science research institutes and universities."
