Banana growers and exporters in the Philippines have warned that a ban on aerial spraying of pesticides would have a backlash on the local economy.

A court has ignored the claims of a petition by the Philipino Banana Growers’ and Exporters’ Association (PBGEA) that the ban imposed by Davao City is unconstitutional.

PBGEA president Stephen Antig claimed substantial amounts of money would be lost due to the ban. “We have yet to establish the exact amount, but I am sure it will be very substantial,” he said.

The association will take the decision to the country’s appeal court, but it is advising growers not to defy the ban. Even before the court decision was made known to the public, aerial spray planes had been grounded.

The measure finally took effect after three months of negotiations, but key players continue to insist it could lead to the demise of the banana industry in Davao City. Aerial spraying is used extensively to contain black sigatoka.

The industry is also fearful that the ban will have severe implications for associated sectors, such as trucking and shipping.