Barry Mulholland

Barry Mulholland

Barry Mulholland has joined the ADAS soils, crops and water team as head of horticulture.

With strong expertise in agricultural water use, climate change and environmental manipulation of product quality, Mulholland will look to improve profitability and develop better resource use efficiency for all ADAS’s horticultural clients.

He joins ADAS from the James Hutton Institute in Scotland, having previously worked at Horticulture Research International at Wellesbourne, Nottingham and Cranfield Universities and the Combined Universities in Cornwall.

His experience combines knowledge in soils, crops and land management and has focused on efforts to tackle global issues which include food, energy and environmental security.

James Clarke, science and business development manager at ADAS said: “I am pleased to welcome Barry to complement our horticulture team. He brings years of horticultural and environmental experience which will further strengthen our ability to help the industry secure our food and enhance the environment. I look forward to seeing this benefit both our clients and ADAS.

“It is an exciting time for ADAS as this appointment comes in addition to five other recruitments. ADAS remain committed to providing an applied research, consultancy and knowledge transfer capability to benefit the UK horticulture industry in the years ahead and we look forward to developing the area further to meet client needs.”