Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), in association with Insight Research, is offering a tailored international convenience study tour service for its members.

Its international tour includes visits to convenience grocery chains around Chicago, US including, 7 Eleven, Fox and Obel, Wholefoods, and Portillo’s as well as entry into the Association for Convenience and Petroleum Retailing (NACS) show.

The study tour starts on October 3, and runs until October 7, although the trip can be extended by an extra day to allow extra time at the NACS show.

The store visits are designed to give delegates an overview of new and innovative ideas in convenience retailing.

ACS will also be running a number of networking events during the tour where it has invited a number of senior executives from the convenience sector to be present.

During the NACS show, Insight Research will also be hosting guided tours around the show floor to help delegates make the most of their time and ensure they get as much out of is at possible. The final of the Global Achievement Award will also take place, where ACS winners will go up against other Achievement Award winners.
