A Scarlotta loving for Sun World grape

Sun World International has reported a promising season for its exclusive Scarlotta grapes, in their first year of large-scale commercial production.

A total of 30 containers holding around 2,000 cartons will be shipped to the UK.

The late-season variety was first produced three years ago.

Mike Aiton, senior vice-president for sales and marketing, told FPJ: “This has been the biggest year so far and the crop is only half as big as next year. We have licensed the variety to growers in the southern hemisphere to supply the market on a year-round basis.

“Scarlotta competes with Crimson, which has a harder time colouring. It has a large berry size and an intense flavour. The UK is a very discriminating market, but I think Scarlotta will be very successful in the October and November period.”