In last week’s issue, we covered the various trials underway in the UK of Thermal Pest Control (TPC) - a technology that applies a high-velocity stream of 100oC heated air onto fresh produce crops, targeting micro-organisms and pests and thus reducing the need for pesticides, plus various other benefits.
Imagine my surprise to read the same story in Metro this week. However, in its inestimable wisdom, the daily paper chose to run with the supremely intelligent headline, “If you want better fruit, hairdry it...”, asking consumers if, “like it or not”, they would be happy to buy “vine-blasted grapes, flash-grilled apples or quickly roasted strawberries”? I understand why the mainstream media needs to make its articles accessible, but this reeks of sensationalism.
With so much news coverage around the issues of sustainability, organics and pesticides, I am surprised Metro chose to go for the cheap shot, labelling TPC “a giant tractor-pulled ‘hairdryer’”, rather than leading on its benefits.
While it is good that the fresh produce industry’s innovations are making national headlines - and further down the article, there is a little more detail about TPC and its benefits - as per usual the media has by and large missed the point and gone for the simplistic view, rather than taking the opportunity to explain the realities of commercial food production.
Anyway, I’ll read my book tomorrow instead.