Tesco says that the popularity of its online grocery service has allowed it to create 700 new jobs at a new dotcom store based in Crawley.

The retailer's online food sales were up by 18 per cent over the Christmas period, while it achieved a 15 per cent like-for-like growth for overall online sales in its most recent full quarter.

'More and more customers are using their computers and smartphones to shop, and this state-of-the-art facility will increase our capacity in the area, enabling us to offer an excellent and convenient service to our customers,' said Barney Burgess, COO for Tesco's grocery home shopping.

The opening of the new Crawley-based dotcom facility will follow a new television advertisement campaign, set to go live from 23 January, which will feature a mother daydreaming about who picks her online order.

Tesco’s customer communications director, Paul Morris, added: 'We set out to show that each shop for online customers is made with care. Tesco personal shoppers – warriors or not – seek out the freshest produce and longest code life dates just like our customers would do.'
