
Such protests have become relatively common in Brussels. Pictured here are farmers on a similar demo in 2009 (Flickr: Teemu Mantynen)

Around 70 UK farmers joined the thousands taking part in the Copa Cogeca farming demo today (7 September).

As well as that, the four farming union presidents of NFU Cymru, NFU Scotland, NFU and Ulster Farmers Union held a separate meeting with farming ministers ahead of the extraordinary Agriculture Council, held in Brussels.

Over 6,000 farmers have turned out in a mass demonstration outside this meeting of EU farming ministers. The protest, organised by EU farming unions Copa and Cogeca, is aimed at drawing increased awareness to the dire state of the fresh produce market.

In a joint statement, the UK presidents said:“Right now, today, farmers are really struggling to pay their bills. This is having a huge impact not only on farming families, but for other businesses that rely on the farming sector.

'We have strongly urged our UK ministers to argue for more flexibility from the commission to allow the UK governments to pay farmers' BPS and agri-environment monies at the very least on time and in full. This will help put money where it is needed most.'

Stephen James, NFU Cymru president, added:“There was agreement in the meeting that a widespread culture change is needed within the food supply chain to ensure that farmers see a fair share of risk and reward. The Westminster minister, Liz Truss, said this culture change will come about by building a consensus across the supply chain, and that she wanted government to show leadership by implementing the ambitious public procurement food policy across all government departments to see more local, high quality food procured.

'This needs to happen, and soon. We have asked for a clear timetable and agreed milestones to turn talk into action.

“The UK governments need to deliver on their promises; work together to achieve this culture change across the supply chain and to see real understanding of the cost of production to farmers.”