Robert McGregor

Robert McGregor

The department of health is to undertake a relaunch of the 5 A DAY scheme, but will have to wait until after the general election next year.

Robert McGregor, project manager at the department of health, told FPJ there has been discussion over whether to revamp the scheme next year, but the campaign would have to ride out the election storm.

He said: “The campaign has been going for many years and 73 per cent of people in the UK are aware of it, but are still not eating their 5 A DAY.

“We do intend a revamp next year, but until we have got it ready and have a minister to launch it, the details cannot be confirmed.

“When a general election is called there is a freeze on civil servants launching campaigns, so it may have to wait until after then.”

McGregor, speaking at last week's World Fruit and Vegetable Exhibition in London, believes the new campaign could encompass the fresh produce industry and schools further than is currently the case.

He added: “We will be looking to increase our partnership base in the private sector to improve consumption.”
