The statement reads: 'The Pesticides Safety Directorate has just informed us that it will set an import tolerance of 1mg/kg for 2,4-D on citrus.
The tolerance takes effect from 1 July 2003. Details of the import tolerance will be posted on the PSD website within the next few days at: This import tolerance will remain in place (subject to any new information regarding the safety of this compound coming to light) until the EC Pesticide Residues Working Group adopts a harmonised Community MRL.
The PSD understands that a number of other EU Member States will continue to apply the LOD MRL (0.05mg/kg) agreed in Directive 2002/97/EC. Companies trading with other EU Member States must, therefore, check which tolerance is being applied with the relevant authorities before exporting to other Member States.
The PSD stresses that it has granted this tolerance at very short notice to address a pressing trade difficulty and as an interim measure until a harmonised Community MRL is adopted.'