Sainsburys Amcor apple packaging

The Taste the Difference range has been a big seller

Sainsbury's, the UK's third-largest supermarket,has achieved like-for-like sales growth of 0.8 per cent for the 12 weeks to 8 June.

The retailer also announced positive food sales over the first quarter, with own-label sales up seven per cent and its premium Taste the Difference range growing by 10 per cent to reach £1 billion in sales.

Sainsbury's grew its market share by 0.2 per cent to 16.8 per cent over the quarter, according to Kantar Worldpanel.In comparison, rival Tesco reported a one per cent dip in sales for the first quarter.

However, Sainsbury's CEO Justin King, who recently received a 20 per cent pay rise, said the retailer will not get ahead of itself and will remain cautious due to the UK's unpredictable weather.

He explained: 'If we get a spell of sustained warm weather I fully expect consumers to be reasonably buoyant in their spending, but if we get a spell of bad weather, which I am sure we will because it is summer, then I think we will see consumers ratchet back their spending, so they have money to spend when the sun is shining. And that pattern has been with us for a number of years.'

King added Sainsbury's is on course to open two convenience stores a week throughout 2013, with plans to open up to 12 new supermarkets nationwide.