Albert Bartlett Factory - Airdrie, Scotland

Albert Bartlett factory in Airdrie, Scotland

Potato producer Albert Bartlett is the latest company to lend its backing to a new national campaign which seeks to boost youth employment within the food industry.

The IGD-led Feeding Britain's Future - Skills for Work Month 2013, which already has fresh produce firms including Branston and Empire World Trade signed up, will see Albert Bartlett offer local youngsters from North Lanarkshire, and the surrounding areas, employment training opportunities. Participants will receive CV and interview advice sessions with HR managers as well as a guided tour of the Albert Bartlett factory in order to understand better the work that goes into food production.

Last year's pilot campaign saw the participation of 70 businesses covering every region in the UK, with over half of participants securing a job after completing the campaign's workshops.

'By sharing our knowledge and experience we are committed to supporting Feeding Britain’s Future and providing some essential skills to the local youngsters within the community,' said Layne Johnson, head of human resources at Albert Bartlett.

Businesses can sign up by