Fruitnet Berry Congress hears how there’s plenty of room for growth in the category – but better marketing is key

The berry business is in rude health, with plenty of opportunity for further growth in the coming years.

This was the message delivered to more than 200 key players from across the industry who gathered in Rotterdam’s Ahoy Centre on Wednesday for the Fruitnet Berry Congress.

Delegates heard how berries are outperforming all other produce categories, and with consumer confidence and spending on the rise and new genetics driving improvements in quality and consistency, the outlook is bright.

A key takeaway from the day was the need for better consumer messaging on the health benefits of regular berry consumption. Young consumers, in particular, should be the focus of targeted campaigns that tap into the growing wellness trend.

Varietal innovation is fuelling the growing premiumisation of the category, with consumers proving to be willing to pay more for the right product in the right packaging.

Driscoll’s, Hortifrut, Sekoya, Früchte Widmann, Berries South Africa, Angus Soft Fruits, GroentenFruit Huis, Unitec, Rabobank and Coöperatie Hoogstraten were among the companies and association sharing exclusive insights on how to deliver sustainable growth in the coming years.

Neolithics, Dogtooth Technologies, BG Door and Agriplace provided an insight into some of the cutting-edge technological innovations to make berries better.