Murcia group says new environmentally friendly bags are 100 per cent bio-based, biodegradable and compostable

Spanish vegetable specialist Agromediterránea has said that it is now offering plastic-free packaging as part of its range, a 100 per cent bio-based, biodegradable and compostable PLA and kraft paper bag.

Agromediterránea’s plastic-free packaging

According to the Murcia-based company, this is in response to consumers’ growing concern for the environment and their search for fresh food that is produced sustainably and fits in with a healthy diet.

The new plant-based bag prolongs the shelf-life of the product, Agromediterránea said, which in the case of radishes and broccoli florets can mean an extra 14 days.

“Innovation and commitment to sustainability, the circular economy and product safety are key issues for Agromediterránea,” said Francisco Sánchez, managing director. ”This is conveyed in our ongoing quest to find sustainable alternatives for packaging that will help to reduce our ecological footprint, whilst at the same time guarantee food safety and maximum product quality.”

Foodiverse, the group to which Agromediterránea belongs, specialises in healthy food and supplies its fresh-cut range in biodegradable bags made of kraft paper and PLA.

This compostable packaging can be disposed of with organic waste or, in its absence, paper and card for recycling.

Sustainable packaging

The newly launched bag adds to Agromediterránea’s range of environmentally friendly vegetable packaging.

As part of its ’zero plastic. strategy, the company is already selling products in its agricultural range in bulk in trays made of alternative materials to plastic, such as cellulose and cardboard, and in cellulose nets.

In the company’s aromatic herb range, grown on part of its 2,800 hectares of farmland, it has also reduced the use of plastic by making blister packs lighter and opting for 100 per cent r-PET packaging.

The result is an overall saving of 14.5 tonnes of plastic a year, the company confirmed.

Further product innovation

In line with its mission to help consumers follow a healthy diet, Agromediterránea said it was continuing to offer a wide range of vegetables in all shapes and sizes, flavours, textures, and colours to ”show that eating a healthy, varied diet can be fun”.

The company has expanded its fresh vegetable range by offering a white courgette – adding to the green, yellow and round courgettes of both colours, the red Lamuyo pepper, and the black beauty aubergine.

Agromediterránea is also extending its organic product range, which already includes radishes, sweetcorn, courgettes, broccoli, and Iceberg lettuce and is marketed under the Sun&Vegs brand or private label.