Fiona Hunter

Spanish growers and exporters have teamed up with a top nutritionist to boost their campaign in the UK.

‘Vegetables from Europe: We Care, You Enjoy’ has appointed nutritionist and columnist, Fiona Hunter, as its spokeswoman to support promotional activities taking place in the UK. Hunter is well known as a nutritionist and dietician in the print and broadcast media.

She will be endorsing the campaign’s healthy eating message, guiding and supplying consumers with nutritional information, and giving advice regarding the incorporation of fresh produce into an everyday diet.

The campaign, which is supported by the EU, is driven by Andalusian fresh produce trade organisation, Hortyfruta and the Murcia producer-exporters’ association Proexport.It will act as an information campaign to communicate the importance of eating fresh produce sourced from Europe and to assure consumers of the high quality of that produce due to strict EU controls.

Hunter said: “I think it is vital that we get this healthy eating message out there and make consumers aware of just how easy it is to incorporate vegetables into their daily meals.

'It is important that despite the recession, healthy eating remains a priority. While this is something that I’ve always been committed to in my 30 years as a nutritionist, there are also a growing body of reports which suggest that a diet rich in vegetables and fruit offer a number of health benefits.”

The campaign, which also runs in Austria and Germany, went out to an audience of more than 300 million people last year.It will operate via various media and social channels including Twitter/Facebook, the online and printed press, in-store and street promotions, educational activities and a presence at well-known food events including BBC Good Food Show.