Netherlands-based Nature & More, Hoogvliet Supermarkets and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds have launched a new campaign called “Birds love organic”.
The aim of the campaign is to educate consumers about the positive influence that organic agriculture has on biodiversity, particularly birdlife.
In a press release, the companies pointed to British research, which shows that the biodiversity on and around organic farms is much richer than that around conventional farms, mostly due to organic farmers' use of insect-eating birds as opposed to chemicals.
Over the course of the 'Birds love organic' campaign, shoppers at Hoogvliet Supermarkets will have to collect six Nature & More grower stamps, found on organic fruits and vegetables, in order to receive a birdfeeder set from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
Hoogvliet spokesperson Ed van Venrooij commented: 'With this campaign, our customers can do their bit and help the birds. That is something we encourage and support.'
Michaël Wilde, marketing & communications manager at Nature & More, added: 'This campaign is an excellent example of how different organisations can work together to achieve a goal that would not have been possible if they went at it alone. Everyone benefits and that is important when setting up such a campaign.'