Leafy greens salads

Green Camel has become the first New South Wales beneficiary of Woolworths' A$30m Organic Growth Fund.

The Cobbitty-based ag-tech farming group has developed world leading technology, which helps overcome environmental risks often associated with growing organic produce. Through a range of biological processes, Green Camel produces organically certified leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers and barramundi in a symbiotic manner.

Green Camel will use its A$250,000 grant to expand its production capabilities and build a protected cropping area to grow organic raspberries and blueberries using their unique growing system.

“Green Camel has invested in a highly sustainable and innovative system to grow organic tomatoes and leafy greens, and it’s fantastic to see them expand into berry production,” said Woolworths head of produce Paul Turner. “We’re excited to see what this Organic Growth Fund grant will unlock for Green Camel and our mutual customers.”

Green Camel’s proprietary system operates as a semi-closed biosphere - inside a state-of-the-art glasshouse - where waste from fish production is captured and transformed into nutrition for the horticulture. The system addresses the issues of waste from aquaculture, increases water utilisation, and decreases input costs and environmental burdens of horticultural production.

“In an environment where water is becoming an increasingly precious commodity, our farming model is thriving,” said Green Camel founder and chairman Adam Steel.

“We use our water reservoirs to grow fish, and every single drop used in aquaculture is then used to grow crops. It means every drop of water and every joule of sunshine is accountable. We are striving to deliver consistent organic produce within an industry that has traditionally been subject to substantial production variability.”

Woolworths’ Organic Growth Fund has been established to help Australian farmers boost production and consistency of supply to meet the growing consumer demand for organic produce in Australia.